Saturday, November 3, 2012

whooooo so tired

got some great news about my extensions :D
now to find a real job!

also must remember to contact people tomorrow and RSVP to shit
yesterday was a full day of work, but with great surprises--truffles and invite from main event caterers, extension, getting business cards :D
then after work was shwafala or something on h street
watching the woods at the red palace
and a funk and soul dance party at another bar with ethan and his friends

stayed out far too late
barely made it to my 8:30am career development day
deer running around, awesome amazing museum people stories
must contact everyone haha
networking is nice because people are nice
but i have to tell my boss to not hire a specific girl because she's kind of craaazy -_-
so far behind on movies but yay life is happening!

Grizzly Man (2005)

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