Thursday, December 20, 2012

sick day

woke up feeling worse than ever
napped, set up the horse blanket so im extra comfy
gonna be a day behind or so

Art:21 Identity~
starring Steve Martin, Bruce Nauman, Kerry James Marshall, Maya Lin (eek), and Louise Bourgeois

i like the series because even though it's thematically organized, the content is so rich with great interviews and images
maya lin is like all at once the most serious and adorable artists ever

"I cannot remember a time when I was not concerned with environmental issues or when I did not feel humbled by the beauty of the natural world. A strong respect and love for the land exists throughout my work.
I take inspiration from topography and natural phenomena: water patterns, solar eclipses, mappings of the ocean floor, ice formations, undulations of the landscape. My work asks the viewer to pay closer attention to the land.
As we begin the new millennium, we have to think of peace not just as among our own species but as encompassing all species that live on this planet. We must look at how our activities affect the natural world in which we live."
- Maya Lin (

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